Monday, May 23, 2011

Ubuntu Helper

Do you want Ubuntu helper.
you can choose the various groups





Sunday, May 22, 2011

changing ubuntu desktop unity to gnome

Here the following steps are to change the ubuntu desktop from unity to gnome.

1) Logout the current session.

2) Select the user which you want to login.

3) Select the ubuntu classic session.

4) Enter your password click logon.

then you want to go unity desktop

1) Logout the current session.

2) Select the user which you want to login.

3) Select the ubuntu session.

4) Enter your password click logon.

ubuntu unity shortcuts

Unity Mouse Tricks:

· If you want to maximize a window - drag the window to the upper screen edge
· If you want to restore a window to it's original position - outside of the menu duble-click the panel
· If you want to maximize a window in height - middle-click on the maximize button
· If you want to maximize a window in width - right-click on the maximize button
· If you want to place a window on the left side - drag the window to the left screen edge
· If you want to place a window on the right side - drag the window to the right screen edge

And now, some very useful keyboard shortcuts that will make your life much easier when using the Unity interface.

Unity Keyboard Shortcuts:

· Windows key - shows the Unity launcher
· Windows key + [number] - activates or opens the corresponding applications in the Unity launcher
· Windows key + Shift + [number] - opens the corresponding applications in the Unity launcher if it's already running
· Windows key + T - opens the Trash
· ALT + F1 - puts focus on the Unity launcher and you can use the arrow keys to navigate
· ALT + F2 - opens the run a command dialog
· CTRL + ALT + T - opens a terminal window
· Windows key + A - opens the Applications widget
· Windows key + F - opens the Files & Folders widget

Window Management Keyboard Shortcuts:

· Windows key + D - maximizes or restores all windows
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 1 - places a window in the lower left corner
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 2 - places a window in the lower half corner
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 3 - places a window in the lower right corner
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 4 - places a window in the left half of the screen
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 5 - centers or maximizes a window
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 6 - places a window in the right half of the screen
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 7 - places a window in the upper left corner
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 8 - places a window in the upper half corner
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 9 - places a window in the upper right corner
· CTRL + ALT + Numpad key 0 - maximizes a window

Workspace Management Keyboard Shortcuts:

· Windows key + W - shows all desktops and windows (Expo Mode)
· CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow - navigate to the workspace above
· CTRL + ALT + Right Arrow - navigate to the workspace on the right
· CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow - navigate to the workspace on the left
· CTRL + ALT + Down Arrow - navigate to the workspace below
· CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Up Arrow - move a window to the workspace above
· CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Right Arrow - move a window to the workspace on the right
· CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Left Arrow - move a window to the workspace on the left
· CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Down Arrow - move a window to the workspace below

Virtual box in ubuntu

Oracle VM VirtualBox is an x86 virtualization software package, originally created by software company innotek GmbH, purchased by Sun Microsystems, and now developed by Oracle corporation as part of its family of virtualization products. It is installed on an existing host operating system; within this application, additional guest operating systems, each known as a Guest OS, can be loaded and run, each with its own virtual environment.

To download virtual box for ubuntu click here.

what is the virtualbox and use?
click here. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ubuntu manual

Ubuntu is a comprehensive beginners guide for the Ubuntu operating system. It is written under an open source license and is free for you to download, read, modify and share.

The manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience.

for download ubuntu manual click here.